Page name: If You Have A Problem [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-02 03:33:16
Last author: something_green
Owner: something_green
# of watchers: 9
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Do you have a problem? Well, obviously, you do. Tell us about it in the page below so we or other members can talk about it. It could be about anything. :)
 IMPORTANT: If a member decides to help you out with a bigger problem, the conversation will be carried out through personal messages for confidentiality.

1. [something_green] I have problems. That's why me and...
2. [Satoshi] started this wiki!
3. [rinaweeena] is an official helper-guy!

We have a sister wiki! It's Author of a Fortune Cookie! They have advanced wise people (like fortune cookies!) and can give you advise if we can't.

Username (or number or email):


2004-12-16 [something_green]: You're in the right place, but I don't know the answer. I'll gladly look it up on the coputer for you, though. ...Oh yeah, and CONGRADULATIONS!! you're the first visitor to this wiki!

2004-12-16 [Satoshi]: Hey! I'm an artist! *gives you high-five* Anyway, I'll look on the internet, too.

2004-12-17 [rinaweeena]: hey

2004-12-17 [something_green]: Hey! Welcome! Let me guess... You have a problem?

2004-12-17 [something_green]: Oh yeah, and Reaper of souls: Sorry, but I did about 15 different google searches and couldn't find that picture or the artist.

2004-12-17 [Satoshi]: I return from the search defeated. The wilds of the internet were too harsh for my steed. And I didn't know where to look. Where did you see that picture?

2004-12-17 [rinaweeena]: lol..yes i do but i like helping people too.if i can

2004-12-17 [Satoshi]: Exellent! Can I put your name on the list of members?

2004-12-17 [rinaweeena]: yes sure

2004-12-17 [Satoshi]: So it is said, so let it be done!

2004-12-17 [rinaweeena]: :)

2004-12-17 [rinaweeena]: my problem...hmm..its noth much but how do u know if someone likes you,even if thay say they don't can it still be true?

2004-12-17 [Satoshi]: Do you know about that key-drawing/tattoo thingey?

2004-12-21 [something_green]: I know a little bit about people liking eachother. If someone says they don't like you, It could just be because they don't want to let thier friends (or themselves) to make an official relationship unless their absolutely sure it's real and they're ready.

2004-12-21 [something_green]: By saying they like you, they've locked themselves into a responsibility. Either that or they're not sure you can give them what they need.

2004-12-21 [rinaweeena]: i so confused....but thanks:)

2004-12-23 [something_green]: Yeah, kinda long, in short: Yes! it's entirely possible that they like you even if they say not.

2005-01-11 [something_green]: ...Wow, it's been forever sinse someone had a problem. * blows dust off wiki*

2005-01-11 [rinaweeena]: i have a problem,the guy ive liked for the past year or more is acting like were going out kinda,then he's not,then he is again,then he wants to set me up with one of his friends,the hes acting like were going out again.What the hell is in his mind?

2005-01-11 [rinaweeena]: hihi..i have problems for all of you

2005-01-13 [something_green]: Yes, you have enough problems for all of us. It sounds to me like this guy is not into the whole "relationship" thing. Maybe he just doesn't know what to do with you.

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